Author: wdc

  • Take a peek into Web 3.0 

    Take a peek into Web 3.0 

    There is no definite method to imagine what web 3.0 will look like, but based on current trends and advances in the technology industry, some possibilities may be seen. One significant tendency is that web 3.0 will be more decentralized, with power shifting away from centralized platforms like Google and Facebook and toward individual users.…

  • Why is PHP still amongst the most famous scripting languages for web development?

    Why is PHP still amongst the most famous scripting languages for web development?

    PHP is a server-side scripting language initially created for Web development to generate dynamic Web pages. You can embed PHP code into HTML code or use it with numerous web content management systems, frameworks, and templates. It is typically processed by a PHP interpreter, a web server, or a combination of the two. The result…

  • Vastly underrated part of the UX/UI design process – Typography

    Vastly underrated part of the UX/UI design process – Typography

    Think about the last time you used an app or website. Chances are, good typography was a big part of making the experience enjoyable. Typography is a hugely important part of the user experience and the user interface design process, yet it gets often overlooked. Typography can make or break an app or website. It…

  • Why is it essential to have security on your web development punch list?

    Why is it essential to have security on your web development punch list?

    Web development has been evolving since the invention of the Internet. There was no concept of security and data encryption from hackers on web servers in the initial days. The majority of traffic stayed within the company only. Then came the idea of e-commerce or online shopping, where a user did not have to physically…

  • What is a responsive web design, and why is it important?

    What is a responsive web design, and why is it important?

    The World Wide Web is a ubiquitous platform that connects people across the globe for essentially any purpose. It is a necessity in most modern-day lives and has drastically changed how we communicate. Unfortunately, not all users have access to the same technology that allows us to use it freely. When designing websites or applications,…

  • The four stages of Web Development

    The four stages of Web Development

    Research Phase: Research and background reading is combined with a workshop at the beginning of the discovery phase. With this method, we can engage with each customer to verify any assumptions and provide a precise specification for the website creation and future development. As a result, we can make better design decisions since we have…

  • A proof of concept is a great starting point for your web development project. 

    A proof of concept is a great starting point for your web development project. 

    A proof of concept, or POC, is a great way to get started on your web development project. It can help you visualize and test your ideas before coding. A POC is typically an elementary version of your website or application. It permits you to focus on the functionality rather than the design. By creating…

  • A good UX/UI is necessary for brand success.

    A good UX/UI is necessary for brand success.

    What is UX? What is UI? UX (user experience) and UI (user interface) explain the product’s interaction design. A good UX/UI could help users feel better about a brand and its products, which means they could share their excitement and promote the product on different platforms. What does it mean for a brand? It means…

  • Five considerations while choosing a Web Development Company

    Five considerations while choosing a Web Development Company

    Web technologies are constantly evolving and becoming more challenging to use. A web development business has many options, but finding the right one for your needs may be time-consuming and difficult. When choosing a web development company, you need to consider: Experience Development companies have a distinct advantage over those just getting started. But, if…